Buy Local (and Online) from These Palafox Market Vendors
Following the recent cancellation of Palafox Market dates through the beginning of May due to COVID-19 concerns, we've worked with vendors to compile an online shopping guide. This list will continue to be updated as we receive more information from our vendors.
Check out the wide range of local, seasonal and handmade products available online and at local retailers AND be sure to follow your favorite vendors on social media for the latest on delivery/pick-up services.
Nature Nine Farms
Nature Nine Farms proudly raises sustainable beef, eggs, and vegetables. Cattle are rotationally grazed to receive an all-grass diet. Their hens are pasture-raised and supplemented with non-GMO grains to provide the best eggs out there. And they use organic practices to ensure high-quality vegetables for you and your family.
Website: www.natureninefarms.com
Contact: sperkins@natureninefarms.com
Forest Farm
Forest Farm has a small farm featuring organically grown vegetables. They offer farm-fresh milk and eggs. Their chickens are on pasture, supplemented with non-GMO.
Website: www.facebook.com/Forest-Farm-565740813559787
Contact: bobandmel8@att.net
Stewart Farm
Stewart Farms is a small local farm growing a variety of non-GMO fruits and vegetables without the use of pesticides. They also have pasture-raised pork.
Website: www.facebook.com/carlstewartfarms
Contact: cstewart1158@bellsouth.net
Forland Family Farm
The Forland Family produces many food crops. Turnips, collards, sweet corn, peas, watermelon, kale, squash, zucchini, strawberries, peaches, plums and okra are among the many crops that are produced in each vegetable and fruit’s season. Farming is their family’s passion and we strive to give the community a fresh variety of fruits and vegetables.
Website: www.facebook.com/FarmerForland
Contact: michelleforland@yahoo.com
Hidden Pastures Farm
Hidden Pastures Farm offers locally pasture-raised poultry and eggs that are non-GMO. All-natural, no antibiotics or hormones.
Website: www.facebook.com/hiddenpasturesfarmllc
Contact: hiddenpasturesfarm@yahoo.com
Maeday Farm
Maeday Farm is a small family farm located in Walnut Hill. They grow fresh fruit and vegetables and are USDA Certified Organic. They believe that locally grown food is fresher, tastes better and is more nutrient-dense than any alternative and they're passionate about bringing this food to their customers.
Website: www.maedayfarm.com
Contact: meredith@maedayfarm.com
Sunset Ranch
Sunset Ranch strives to bring you the best beef, poultry and eggs, all raised the natural way, grass-fed, non-GMO and hormone-free.
Website: www.sunsetranchofescambiafarms.com
Contact: isaac@sunsetranchllc.com
Crescere Farms
Crescere Farm is a local farm serving the Florida Panhandle. Heirloom tomatoes available at the farm.
Website: www.facebook.com/crescerefarms
Contact: crescerefarms@gmail.com
Big Creek Farm
Big Creek Farm is one of the largest Heritage Tamworth hog farmers in Florida, if not the United States. They chose to raise this particular breed of hogs for their taste and their excellent nutritional value. Their hogs are pure-bred and take up to 9 months to reach maturity, and roam free from field to field, eating what they find and the food they raise for the hogs to eat. Big Creek Farm is dedicated to the purity of the Tamworth breed and bringing the finest pork products to your table.
Website: www.bigcreekfarm-florida.com
Contact: bigcreekfarm.florida@gmail.com
Ballard Farm
Ballard Farm provides farm-fresh produce, naturally grown.
Website: www.facebook.com/ballard1234
Contact: ballardsfarm.rbb@gmail.com
P&K Nursery
P&K Nursery offers Boston ferns, bougainvillea plants and beautiful baskets.
Website: www.facebook.com/P-and-K-Nursery-134902610014512
Contact: pknursery@yahoo.com
East Hill Honey Co.
East Hill Honey Co was created to capture the story of honey and give dignity to the artisan beekeeper. We desire to connect the food lovers, chefs and the everyday family to the beautiful and complex flavors of hand-crafted honey, a savory experience par to none.
Website: www.easthillhoney.com
Retail location(s): Apple Market, East Hill Market, Ever'man Coop, Fresh Market, and more.
Contact: tommy@easthillhoney.com
Kittrell's Daydream Apiary
Kittrell's Daydream Apiary is founded upon a daydream to live off the land and produce something we can use that helps others as well. They produce local raw honey, pure beeswax, pollen and honey soap.
Website: www.kittrellsdaydream.com
Retail location(s): Uptown Market
Contact: kittrawhoney@gmail.com
East Hill Edible Gardening
East Hill Edible Gardening provides vegetable and herb starter plants with the widest selection of edible plants around! You can have a great garden year-round with their seasonal selection of plants.
Website: www.easthillediblegardening.com
Contact: renee@easthillediblegardening.com
Gem Tropicals
High-quality Florida Citrus Trees. Produced in accordance with Florida Plant Industry Guidelines.
Contact: mcbfield@cox.net
Mrs. Jones Cold Brew
Mrs. Jones Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate lets you be the barista! Hot or cold, black or au lait, make coffee the way you like it.
Website: www.mrsjonescoldbrew.com
Retail location(s): Nomadic's Cafe
Contact: mrsjonescoffee@gmail.com
DeLuna Coffee
From an atmosphere of white sandy beaches, cool gulf breezes and long winding bayous comes DeLuna Coffee Company.
Website: www.delunacoffee.com
Retail location(s): De Luna Coffee: 1014 Underwood Ave Suite D Pensacola 32504, Apple Market, Jo Patti's, Ever’man Coop, East Hill Market, Uptown Market
Contact: simone.boswell@gmail.com
L.A. Gourmet
L.A. Gourmet specializes in BBQ Sauces, better bloody mary mixers, rubs and other delicious items.
Website: www.loweralabamagourmet.com
Retail Location(s): Apple Market, County Piggly Wiggly’s, Beach Jerky, Waves Market Gulf Shore
Contact: john.cowan@hotmail.com
The Hummus Lady
The Hummus Lady joyfully creates organic hummus for neighbors, friends and families in Pensacola. Both traditional and unique flavors made weekly.
Website: www.thehummuslady.com
Retail location(s): Ever’man Coop, Uptown Market, Apple Market, Joe Patti's
Contact: pensacolahummuslady@gmail.com
Aunt Mandy’s Sweets
Aunt Mandy’s makes traditional Brazilian truffles known as 'Docinhos'. They come in a variety of flavors and make special days in Brazil even sweeter.
Website: www.facebook.com/auntmandysweets
Retail location(s): Nomadic's Cafe
Contact: auntmandysweets@gmail.com
A Gift to Africa
A Gift to Africa offers moringa and baobab fruit products.
Website: www.agift2africa.com
Contact: sabina@agift2africa.com
Pretty Bear’s Bakery
Pretty Bear’s Bakery specializes in Chinese Pastries with a focus on authenticity and health. All of their baked goods are 100% handmade. Delivery or pick-up is available.
Website: www.theprettybearsbakery.com
Contact: theprettybearsbakery@gmail.com
30A Barks
30A Barks believe in putting the same nutrition and care into our pets as we do ourselves. That is why they've created an easy, affordable way for you to take care of your four-legged family members.
Website: www.30abarks.com
Contact: steve@30abarks.com
My Happy Dog 123
Grain-free dog treats.
Website: www.myhappydog123.com
Contact: myhappydog123@gmail.com
Insanely Savage Pecans
Handcrafted spiced pecans, they are savory, sweet and smoky with just a hint of spice. Available in three sizes.
Website: www.insanelysavagepecans.com
Contact: jennsavagepecans@gmail.com
C&D Mill
Fresh ground grits and cornmeal. Delivery available.
Website: www.facebook.com/CandDMills
Retail location(s): Bailey's, Apple Market, Flora Bama Farms
Contact: dbruton269@gmail.com
Frank's Daily Bread Catering
Italian food caterer and baker, available for corporate functions, weddings, graduations, anniversaries and other events. Licensed caterer and food vendor.
Website: www.franksdailybreadcatering.com
Contact: fjgfrank@gmail.com
Chicken, beef and guava empanadas. Mango, passion fruit and soursop juices and frozen fruit pulp.
Website: www.facebook.com/Fruitbless
Contact: difrutandfamily@gmail.com
The Macaron Chef
Italian food caterer and baker, available for corporate functions, weddings, graduations, anniversaries and other events. Licensed caterer and food vendor.
Website: https://themacaronchef.com/
Contact: themacaronchef@gmail.com
Southern Treats
Kettle corn and gourmet snacks!
Website: www.southern-treats.com
Contact: susan@southern-treats.com
Miller Family Lettuce & Breads
Fresh lettuce and breads. Call to place your order today! For sourdough bread, please place your orders by Wednesday for Saturday pickup.
Contact: (850) 723-8717
Tony's Tejas Salsa
World's best salsa!
Website: https://www.tonystejassalsa.com/local
Retail location(s): Apple Market, Greer's Cashsaver
Contact: tonys.tejas.salsa@gmail.com
Redfox's Gourmet Pet Treats
Redfox's makes all-natural, fresh dog & cat treats for your four-legged friends. You can order unique options like their Harvest Pumpkin Dog Cookies, Salmon and Sweet Potato Dog Brownies or even their Sardine with Catnip for Cats for your feline friends. AND 100% of the proceeds go to helping their rescue animals. Put your order in today, here.
Website: www.facebook.com/pg/gaberulesmyrescue
Contact: redfoxsrescue@gmail.com
Ladyloved, Skin Care
Every color, every scent, every beautifying effect is the result of strictly natural ingredients. That includes organic and wild-crafted ingredients when possible. They don't compromise. Neither should you.
Website: www.ladyloved.com
Contact: andrew@ladyloved.com
Harmony Creek Farms
Handmade using the old-fashioned Cold Process method, Harmony Creek Farms makes their soap in small, quality controlled batches, from the highest quality olive, coconut, and palm oils. This creates a wonderfully smooth and creamy soap with lots of lather.
Website: www.harmonycreekfarm.com
Retail location(s): Ever’man Coop
Contact: harmonycreekfarm@aol.com
Beach Bird Botanicals
Beach Bird Botanicals is a locally owned, handcrafted soap and toiletries company serving the Pensacola area. Products include cold processed bar soap, foaming liquid soap, lotion bars and sugar scrubs.
Website: www.beachbirdbotanicals.com
Retail location(s): Geronimo's, Turtle’s Nest, Delivery available.
Contact: beachbird92@gmail.com
LunaStella Naturals
100% natural skin and body care, offering a full facial care line, as well as products for aches and pains, body care, pregnancy and more. Their products are handmade only by them with ingredients provided by nature, meticulously chosen and formulated, and always free from synthetic additives and toxic processing.
Website: www.lunastellanaturals.com
Retail location(s): 4 Squared Holistic Studio
Contact: Monica@lunastellanaturals.com
Thrive Health
Elderberry syrup with organic ingredients and raw wildflower East Hill Honey. DIY elderberry syrup kits and essential oil rollerballs.
Website: http://www.floridaelderberry.com
Retail location(s): Uptown Market, Ever'man, Apple Market, Old City Market, The Daily Squeeze
Contact: thrivehealthfl@gmail.com
Changing Tides Jewelry
Changing Tides Jewelry is so much more than ‘just jewelry’. This is a homegrown company that is powered by dedication to the art of metalsmithing, the skill and craftsmanship involved in creating each piece, and the empowerment of the individual.
Website: www.changingtidesjewelry.com
Retail location(s): Rusted Arrow Mercantile
Contact: info@changingtidesjewelry.com
Bradley Deal Fine Art
Creating original marine artwork inspired by life on the Gulf Coast.
Website: www.BradleyDeal.com
Retail location(s): Apple Market, Perdido Arist Gallery & Gifts
Contact: bradley@bradleydeal.com
Rebecca McCall Photography
Gulf Coast underwater photography.
Website: www.rebeccamccallphotography.com
Retail location(s): Springhill Suites Navarre Beach
Contact: rebeccamccallphotography@gmail.com
Delia Stone Jewelry
Handmade cloisonne, wire lacework, wire wrap and metalwork.
Website: www.etsy.com/shop/deliasstones
Retail location(s): Blue Morning Gallery
Contact: deliastonesstudio@gmail.com
Mockingbird Art Glass and Design
Original art glass designs shown featuring a lifelong love of art, color and the joy of creating.
Website: www.krisannesglass.weebly.com
Retail location(s): Milton, Fl by appointment call: (317) 918-4923
Contact: krisannemarschand@hotmail.com
Charlotte Mason Print Co.
Charlotte Mason Printing Company is a printing press and design shop owned by Caitlyn Cooney in Pensacola specializing in hand-printed goods including posters, stationery, greeting cards, custom work, and more.
Website: www.charlottemasonprintco.com/shop
Retail location(s): Bluejay's Bakery, Rusted Arrow Mercantile
Contact: timb@charlottemasonprintco.com
Bizentine Press
Award-winning Fiction and Non-fiction Books by M.M. Le Blanc
Website: www.bizentinepress.com/store
Retail location(s): Bodacious Bookstore & Cafe
Contact: bizentinepress@gmail.com
Lyvon's Pottery
Local, hand-made pottery.
Retail location(s): Renfroe Pecan Company (both locations), Ever'man (both locations)
Contact: lppottery@gmail.com
Awesometropolis offers superhero capes/masks, princess aprons, tiaras and wands. Character reading pillows. Tooth pillows, Stuffies etc.
Website: www.theawesometropolis.com
Retail location(s): Can arrange delivery or pickup
Contact: awesometropolis1@gmail.com
Flaura by Laura
Jewelry and wall art made with real flowers.
Website: www.facebook.com/FlauraOfPensacola
Retail location(s): Fiore of Pensacola
Contact: flaurabylaurarichards@outlook.com
Handmade horseshoe crafts including Christmas trees, lamps, home and barn decor.
Website: www.facebook.com/Andyworks2
Contact: andyworks2@gmail.com
Jeslyn Cantrell Art
Illustrator/printmaker creating limited edition, woodblock prints by hand.
Website: www.jeslynkate.com/shop-1
Contact: jeskcantrell@gmail.com
Judy Bardsley Art
Jewelry and art.
Website: www.etsy.com/shop/HeirloomBoxen
Contact: jbbkiwi@yahoo.com
Slaybelles Design
Making where you live a little bit more beautiful. Slaybelles Design's inspiration is nature, finding something that may have been discarded or overlooked, and giving it another life in your home!
Website: www.facebook.com/Slaybelles-Design-193170541251191/
Contact: slaybelles6@cs.com
Noora's Naturals
Handmade eco-friendly baby teethers.
Website: http://www.noorasnaturals.etsy.com/
Contact: noorasnaturals@yahoo.com
Jaime Shevat Art
Gorgeous, color inspired art work and reproductions. Commissions or unique projects available upon request.
Website: https://www.jaimeshevat.com/
Retail location(s): Quayside Art Gallery, Miles Antique Mall
Contact: jaimeshevat@gmail.com
Kay Mitchell Pottery
Handmade stoneware and porcelain.
Contact: sailorkmthor88@yahoo.com
For the Birds Realty
Custom birdhouses and feeders made from reclaimed and recycled items. They are functional, decorative and make wonderful gifts!
Website: https://www.facebook.com/forthebirdsrealty
Contact: Jdg7414@gmail.com
Jon Winslow Art
Funky paintings of tropical beach scenes and wildlife. Offering local delivery and pickup options!
Website: www.jocoart.com
Contact: jonwinslowart@cox.net
Elliott Fine Art
Local Pensacola and beautiful beach paintings in handmade reclaimed barn wood frames. Offering prints of original paintings. Local delivery and mailing services provided.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/PeggysFineArtAndFramesForSale/
Contact: pe4600@aol.com