Santa Claus is Coming to (Down)town: Your Winterfest 2020 Guide
The Winterfest team is dedicated to safely celebrating the holidays with the community and after months of planning, they’re excited to provide a magical experience for the people of Pensacola and all of our holiday visitors.
Speaking of visitors…
Santa Claus is coming to Pensacola! His sleigh is packed and he’s eager for his stop in Pensacola to meet all the good boys and girls and spread the magic of Christmas cheer. In an effort to avoid crowded lines, he will be taking reservations online or on-site for safely distanced photos. Visitors will be able to meet and take pictures with jolly Saint Nick atop a pile of presents next to his sleigh.
Of course, the Grinch is coming to town too, making appearances and taking photo reservations as well. Since the Grinch doesn’t do holiday cheer quite like the rest of us, the physical distancing guidelines will definitely be more to his liking.
Along with Santa and the Grinch, Winterfest will be offering Pensacola’s favorite holiday events to spread the magic of the holiday season:
• The Polar Express Tour: Come join in the experience of a lifetime by enjoying tap dancing servers, singing and hot cups of cocoa with the Polar Express Tour.
• Historic Pensacola Village Trolley rides: Let our Cajun conductor regale you with tales of Papa Noel and his alligators before ending with firelit storytelling from Papa Noel himself.
• A White Christmas: Every night Santa will use the magic of the crowd and everyone’s collective “belief” in him to bring snow flurries to Winterfest plaza.
With safety a top priority, Santa has recruited Winterfest's favorite devious twins, Thing 1 and Thing 2, to be the official safety staff for Winterfest plaza. In true Whobilation, they will be roaming the plaza stocked with safety gear giving everyone air-fives, elbow bumps and spreading Wholiday cheer!
Pensacola’s Winterfest experience kicks off the holiday season right with First City Lights Festival on Black Friday, November 27, and runs through December with a final Santa Claus Christmas Eve send-off. Visits with Santa and all tours will take place on Nov. 27, 28, and Dec. 5, 12, 18-24 and will be located at 223 Palafox Place.
So, forget about the last 10 months. Put on your holiday best or the ugliest Christmas sweater you can find, grab your family and friends and come safely celebrate the holidays with Pensacola’s Winterfest! For more information, visit: https://pensacolawinterfest.org/.